Extension Kit
The Extension Kit contains a variety of useful and easy-to-use leafs that can be used in conjunction with the Basic Kit and the ESP32 Wi-Fi Kit for a wider range of applications. It does not include a microcontroller leaf, so you will need the Basic Kit or the ESP32 Wi-Fi Kit to run the software.
Type | Item | Q’ty |
AI02 | SP & PIR | 1 |
AI03 | MIC & VR & LED | 1 |
AI04 | LCD | 1 |
AV03 | AA BAT | 1 |
AX01 | Shield | 1 |
AX03 | Leafx2 | 1 |
AX04 | Spacer | 1 |
AX05 | I Meas. | 1 |
AX06 | Grove & 5V | 1 |
Caution note | 1 |
Leaf List

The Leaf is equipped with a piezoelectric speaker and a motion sensor. The motion sensor has a built-in proximity detection algorithm and can detect the approach of an object with simple settings.

This leaf is equipped with a MEMS microphone, volume and LED. It can be powered off with a load switch by controlling the I2C Expander to achieve low power consumption.

This leaf is equipped with a character LCD unit and two user switches. It can be powered off with a load switch by controlling the I2C Expander to achieve low power consumption.

This is a power supply leaf with an AA battery holder, a power switch, an AD converter for voltage monitoring, a 3 V to 3.3 V boost circuit, and three Leafony connectors to provide power to more leaves.

AX01 Shield
An expansion board with an Arduino Shield connector, a SWD connector, an ICSP connector, and three leaf I/Fs mounted on it.

AX03 Leaf x2
This connector leaf is used to connect the leafs side-by-side.

AX04 Spacer
A spacer leaf that is placed between two stacked leaves. It can be used when parts of the leafs interfere with each other.

AX05 I Meas.
This leaf is used to measure the current flowing in the 3.3V and VBUS. Normally, the Leafony bus is electrically connected on both sides, but in this leaf, only the 3.3V and VBUS are disconnected in the front and the back, and they are connected to the through-hole.

AX06 Grove&5V
It is a UART, I2C, analog input and digital input leaf that operates at 3.3V and 5V in accordance with the Grove series from VBUSSeeed Studio. 3.3V is converted to 5V by a step-up power supply circuit and supplied to Grove. To achieve low power consumption, it is possible to turn off the 5V power supply by controlling the I2C Expander.
Revision history
- Rev A1.0: First edition, August 2019