Temperature and humidity sensor


This sample reads the value of the temperature and humidity sensor on the 4-Sensors Leaf and displays it on a serial monitor.

Leaf to use

Use the following leaves.

Type Name Q’ty
AZ62 Connector Cover 1
AI01 4-Sensors 1
AZ01 USB 1
AP03 STM32 MCU 1
AV01 CR2032 1
CR2032 coin cell battery 1
M2*15mm screw 2


Let’s assemble leaves as shown in the figure below.


Source code

Write the following program1 in the Arduino IDE.

In order to make this sketch work, you need to install the libraries If you haven’t installed it yet, refer to Environment to install it.

//  Thermo-Hygrometer
//    (c) 2021 Trillion-Node Study Group
//    Released under the MIT license
//    https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
//      Rev.00 2020/05/05  First release
#include <Wire.h>
#include <HTS221.h>

// Data for two-point correction
// Temperature correction data 0
float TL0 = 25.0;     // 4-Sensors Temperature measurement value
float TM0 = 25.0;     // Thermometer and other measurements value
// Temperature correction data 1
float TL1 = 40.0;     // 4-Sensors Temperature measurement value
float TM1 = 40.0;     // Thermometer and other measurements value

// Humidity correction data 0
float HL0 = 60.0;     // 4-Sensors Humidity measurement value
float HM0 = 60.0;     // Hygrometer and other measurements value
// Humidity correction data 1
float HL1 = 80.0;     // 4-Sensors Humidity measurement value
float HM1 = 80.0;     // Hygrometer and other measurements value

void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication at 115200 second per second:
  Wire.begin();             // I2C 100kHz
  // initialize i2c communication with HTS221:

void loop() {
  // read temperature and humidity:
  float dataTemp = (float)smeHumidity.readTemperature();
  float dataHumid = (float)smeHumidity.readHumidity();

  // calibration:
  dataTemp = TM0 + (TM1 - TM0) * (dataTemp - TL0) / (TL1 - TL0);      // Temperature correction
  dataHumid = HM0 + (HM1 - HM0) * (dataHumid - HL0) / (HL1 - HL0);    // Humidity correction

  Serial.println(String(dataTemp) + "[℃], " + String(dataHumid) + "[%]");


2 point-to-point correction

If there is a discrepancy between the temperature (or humidity) that you want to display and the temperature (or humidity) of the 4-Sensors, perform the correction between the two points. The following is a description of the correction method using temperature as an example.

First, measure the temperatures of the two points with the 4-Sensors and a reference instrument. Then, write the measured values in the sample sketch and run it, and the temperature of the 4-Sensors will be close to the temperature you want to display. 

Execution Results

Open the serial monitor of the Arduino IDE and set the baud rate to 115200 bps and you will see the temperature and humidity.

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  1. The program is the same as AVR MCU Leaf. ↩︎

Last modified 06.04.2021